Friday, August 15, 2008

All aliases listed here - GaiDai Students (Personal Entry)

Now that I'm back in America (and San Diego for the meantime,) all of the fellow GaiDai students now feel like the characters of a distant fairy-tale. There are no alumni reunions; absolutely nothing of the sort. There is virtually zero chance of seeing them again, so everybody from the GaiDai are all but a remote memory now. It feels so strange and gives me goosebumps; it has a weird kind of euphoria so that's how I'm coping with the parting of our ways.

Now here are the aliases I made of the GaiDai students, and used in case any of them didn't appreciate (their real names) being mentioned on my notes.

Altered Names Legend (GaiDai)

1. Alphonse Sleevehardy (The new first name on the alias makes him less obvious)
2. Antoine Valero
3. Nelson Schire
4. Karina Yeshoover
5. Dietrich Humvee
6. Sally Leatherman
7. Gerald Good
8. T.C.
9. Stelson Biaki
10. Carlos Ford
11. Charlene Branchwell
12. Si Miao "Cissi" Chienne
13. Natalie Youthful
14. Justin Pooles
15. Shkelzen Loi
16. Jusso Sewing
17. Dillon Schmidt
18. Ronald Sieeke-Showe (No male ryugakusei had a hyphenated surname this semester, so this is not the correlation. Think of "opposites.")
19. Carson Character
20. Jolanda Stelsen
21. Trey Grommet
22. Kayli Lordship-Bourgeois – (This is NOT Sarah Rogers-Tanner; I assigned a hyphenated alias to another one of our ryugakusei)
23. Rosnell Strossner (This here is a bit of an Easter Egg...)
24. Brock DiNardo (Matt DiNardo is a weatherman {Warning: colorful monologue lies herein!}, and this ryugakusei's real last name was that of a weatherman some well-known pseudo-Kazakhstani news reporter visited...)
25. Retyna Hwa
26. Javier Denimen
27. Justin Cleaver
28. Tilden Sherwin
29. Naikoma Daye
30. Dallas Juveni
31. Chevi Sprint (I never used this one in any of my notes, but I would have LOVED to call her that! I'll give a more obvious hint in this video. Now, can you figure out who she was?)
32. Ronne Mistpainter
33. Tilden Chardeau
34. Luigi Brooks
35. Jeanessa Strummer
36. Jerren Nellis
37. Masaki Sadoka
38. Carson LaRope
39. Moka Lei
40. Siera Lei (<-- And I thought her name was Iris Huo for a while...)

Mine: Java, Java Skorzeni, Java Shimoya, Egao No Genki, or Tanaka Shimoya

Who does these aliases belong to? If no one figures out what aliases belong to whom, I'll probably keep using them as before in my future notes.

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