- Tupelo
- Contrafactum of "Hey Sandy" by Polaris
- This contrafactum is to be about the town of Tupelo, MS and, if there's room, also about other things called "Tupelo," like the genus of trees.
- Tupelo (disambiguation) - Wikipedia
- Tupelo, Mississippi - Wikipedia
- http://www.tupeloms.gov/
- https://www.tupelo.net/
- Music video ideas
- A montage of photos and videos of the city of Tupelo, Mississippi and possibly other things called "Tupelo" is to be shown in the music vid.
- As budgets improve, the music vid can be shot on-location as actors sing in front of major Tupelo landmarks.
- Lyric ideas
- All occurrences of "Don't You Talk" is to be replaced with "Tupelo."
- (To be penned sometime.)
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